Anybody who plans on robbing a liquor store...

please take notes:

don’t do what this guy did.


the second fall is the best.

i was actually impressed with his use of the truck-cart. though his attemp failed, it was a great use of a lever arm.


HAAAAAA. AAAHAAAAAA…I am laughing so hard at work right now

hahah off the ladder on to the shelf awesome…

judging by the responses, is this the guy who breaks in thru the ceiling ? i was laughing my ass off when i seen this, good stuff indeed :rofl:

Holy fuck, I laughed so fuckin hard. What people will do for smokes.
When that dude threw a bottle at the camera I thought it was ODB for a second.

Thank you for that. It made my day. I think my favorite part is the when he fell through the ceiling, then after he landed more bottles fell on him to add insult to injury, cartoon style. :tup:

trying to pry the door open with a dolly was priceless as well

he should have thrown that keg through the glass.

Then he wouldn’t have had anything to sit on while he smoked. :gotme:

That was some funny stuff :mamoru:

I bet he will re-think that robbery over and over agian in his head while he sits in prison. :mamoru:


Somehow I doubt it. More likely he’ll just blame the man for keeping him down.

That looked more burglary than robbery to me.:gotme:

He should sue if he sustained any injuries.:roll2:

^Like the bottle he got up the ass when he fell on the shelves?