This fine upstanding member, of the infamous ! 18th streetLAgang,
one day that he would try to car-jack a semi truck at gun point. The
gangster jumped up on the driver side, while the truck was in motion,
stuck a gun in the drivers face. The only problem was that the truck
opened up the door and knocked the attempted thief, off. He lost his
balance and fell under the wheels of the truck. At which time the
slammed on his brakes, resting on top of him and decided that this was
perfect time to whip out his FujiDisposable camera…Say cheese
homie! Have a nice day!!:))
wow, he lost that fight lol
those pics are so old, I got them off the Arpanet as a fetus…
i still think it’s fake… no blood? clothes are awfully clean too.
the crushed pop can was a nice touch
haha. sucks for him
maybe deebo should stick to bicycles
well their new to me you fuck :mrT:
[QUOTE=ShalerPunk]those pics are so old, I got them off the Arpanet as a fetus…
has the drugs killed that many brain cells. his ribs broke inward impaling his organs which would not cause external bleeding but instant death. look at the pic with the truck off him you can tell his ribs are totally snaped inward
and the truck, stopping perfectly on him, wouldn’t have dragged his clothes on the pavement and shredded them, and at least a little bit of flesh?
But, you know, with as light as those trucks are, they can stop perfectly on a dime without dragging it… :rolleyes:
Their brakes are powerful enough to stop with a full trailer with relative ease. :wtcslap:
Just appreciate it for what it is my god…One less scum bag on the planet -IE survival of the fittest and obviously this one didnt’ pass the test
it said the truck was in motion…didnt say the truck was doing 50mph…it could have driving away from a stop sign when he tried to hijack the truck. so he could have been doing 5mph
werd. I doubt he was doing 50mph and the mexican’t ran up along side and hopped on… think its real and I think that bitch got pwn3d