close call.

this is a ridic. close call.

lucky guy:

R to the POTS


i never saw it before… <3

wow, it didnt even like phase that guy. he just starts taking pictures. that is ridiculous.

That corner opened the car up like a tin can.

pucker factor 10

Never saw it either. There should be a ban for calling reposts without providing a link. Even if it is a repost if you can find a link to it maybe it’s so poorly titled that no one saw the original post?

Back on topic though, how big do your balls have to be to have a severe crash that close to you and just brush it off like nothing happened and start taking pictures? The other people near the wall just disappeared and were probably looking for a new set of underwear.

Holy shit!

I have a feeling the guy has stood there before… LOL

pulls out his camera instantly after and shoots some pics. :rofl: “Don’t worry, the guy is fine… he just hit a wall. Why don’t you stand there and take pictures instead of going to help.”

Holy Fuck. That guy has balls of steel.

What the fuck?

That would suck to get hit by even a mirror at that speed, and he barely takes a step back and goes right into taking pics…


That car got messed up. I cannot believe how unaffected the photographer seemed.

that is awesome