Be safe out there guys (My crash Inside)

Well let me start out by saying, morphine is one hell of a drug.

I was on my way home last night from hockey and long story short, I let a tailgater get the best of me. I was too focused on the fact he was on my ass, and not the road ahead of me. As I was looking behind me, I took a blind turn toooo fast and lost control.

Here’s the aftermath.

LISTEN, i don’t need a scolding. I know I was COMPLETELY in the wrong. I let a tailgater get the best of me, and that goes against everything I ever preach. It was a stupid mistake, and loss of control for a SPLIT second.

I can only be thankful to be able to be typing this less than 12 hours after it happened. I shouldn’t be alive.

Just be careful guys, it can happen so quickly. Be safe, be smart. Learn from this. I CERTAINLY WILL.

To be able to walk away from this with a broken ankle and a knicked tendon in my thumb is BEYOND LUCKY.

flame on.

that’ll buff right out.

srsly, glad your okay. hows your ass? I mean from having a horseshoe shoved up it?


Tell me about it. I don’t know weither to laugh or cry, or both. I am numb mentally right now. This will take a few days to sink in.

Worst part is I wasn’t being some “boy racer.” I just lost focus and my cool for a split second. I am just happy to be here to learn my lesson. Next time, I’m just going to pull over.


Glad you are mostly aight.

Holy shit man, that is crazy. I’m glad you’re okay though, most people will look at a wreck like that and ask how many people were killed and not how many people walked away.

Thanks guys. It can happen so quick, anywhere.

Just keep things like this in the back of your mind when driving.

Wow… glad you’re okay for the most part brah.


DAMN!!! That is nuts, count your blessings that you didn’t end up like the car.

You know what the worst part is. This is the first time I have ever has so much as a FENDER BENDER.

I always considered myself a good driver and I guess I took that for granted. THis certainly changes things. I guess it goes to show yah, just a split second of lost focus, and bad things can happen.

Are Civics supposed to look like that?


dude. I was doing about 55 in a 45 so it wasn’t a result of CRAZY speed. I hit the tree in the ditch right on the side of the firewall and the motherfucker SPLIT IN TWO.

Silly hondas being made from bubble gum, twigs and pixie dust.

I checked. They are still there. Just need to wait a few days for them to drop again.

Your car splitting like that more than likely saved you from further injury by dispersing a lot of the energy.

no doubt.

It’s just a bit overwhelming right now for me to consider that a foot or two in either direction and the tree would have it on the drivers side door. UGH

wow, i was gonna guess you hit a pole.

it was a tree with about a one foot diameter. Strong tree???:shrug:

Ripped the car in half and the tree was fine.

im about to buy a volvo and slow ride ALL THE TIME.