Be safe out there guys (My crash Inside)

are u parting the car out :rimshot: had to say it

holy shit. glad your ok dude

It was merely an unmodded DD, i’m no honda BOI… but it sure was a damn clean example of an HX. It was pretty cherry until this.

When I got some stuff out of it today after I got out of ER, I was hoping to atleast snag ONE hx rim… but alas… the cars FUCKED

Wow, it would seem that you are pretty lucky.

damn paul! glad you’re still alive, get well soon

thnanks everyone

Fuck that, boost the shit out of it. What doesn’t kill you only makes you stronger.

Glad to see your ok, minus the damage.

man that is crazy! get well soon.

anything happen to the tailgater? was he implicated in any way?


holy fuck balls.

glad ur ok dood

I didnt catch his plate… and after I went into the ditch… he just drove off.

I was conscious the whole time and witnessed him drive right around my front clip and keep on going.

I can honestly say he was most likely drunk…

i’ve never encountered a tailgater like that. Still though, he’s sitting at home and I am here all banged up.

lesson learned.

A little Elmer’s Glue and that car’ll be back and as good as new!

Seriously though, glad you’re O.K. A car can be replaced… I’m glad you were lucky to walk away with minor damage. Sorry the car is toast…

dude its funny actually. The car had full coverage and I was able to recover everything out of the car. So that’s all good. The only damage was to my Ray Bans. The lens is cracked.

At first I though my ipod was lost but the local who arrived on the scene first took my phone number and just gave me a call to let me know he recovered my ipod, hat and some paperwork from the woods.

could I get any luckier???!

even all the hockey equip in my trunk made it out OK.:clap:

EDIT: oh yeah and my synergy didnt snap either. WTF!

Glad you’re still with us. Might want to send a little thank you to the Honda engineers. :slight_smile:

Ray Bans are warrantied too. See man, this is all for the positive. Your leg will be stronger, your mind is stronger and now you can get a new car. You didn’t want the civic anyways. /force

what a cockmaster!

Ouch. Good to see that you were somewhat able to walk away from this.

Absolutely. This is one of those life changing experiences IMO. I have been home for some time now and everything seems really surreal.

And i’ve been in the market for a new car for a while now. F that civic, lol. It’s really wierd how well everything has turned out in this situation. Someones looking out for me.

You are one lucky SOB. :tup: