i know the season up ther is winding down for you guys, but the idea is still the same.

riders, always be weary of ur surroundings and dont ride like an asshat.

i watched a young man die tonight and it sucks.

just dont be stupid, please. literally 1 second life is grand then the next your being peeled off the ground because ur body is now just donor organs.

Sheesh sorry to hear what you had to see tonight. He’s right though everyone be safe.

I <3 you guys… ill be safe xoxo

i heard this happened at tits tonight as well. nobody has been able to verify as of yet other than her…

You mean don’t be the idiot on the bike in front of me this morning who just decided to jam on the brakes and pull into a parking lot without signaling? Good the the GTO brakes are good or I’d have a new hood ornament.