Now that its nice out...please be safe

Now that the weather is breaking, be safe everyone and dont text a drive.
Saw this in another forum. Rider ended up living some how/thank God.

Yikes. I’ve been feeling more and more worried about idea of riding lately. People just don’t pay attention.


Sucks, I’m glad the rider is okay.

Having been rear-ended twice in the past several months while completely stopped with my foot still on the brake (once at a red light, once at a 4-way stop), I can safely say that I will never own a motorcycle. There are way too many people on the road who don’t think that paying attention is a very important aspect of driving. :tdown:

it musta been that H.O. Engine

i’m always afraid of being rear ended because people don’t pay attention or are just retarded

My god. I can’t tell you how torn I am on owning another bike. So many close calls, visits to the ER for friends, etc.

Please be safe. If you’re new take MSF. If you’re a cager keep your damn eyes OPEN, stop sexting and pay attention.

Have a fun season!

This all goes without saying. Be safe everyone.

That sucks.
Never trust anyone… ever.

Always try to leave your self an out no matter what you are driving.

I know I always off center, when pulling up behind on a bike,i like here in mexico you can pull up threw the middle to the front of the pack of cars at a light. no worries about being rearended.
More i drive here the more think Americans are idiots.

Thats why i pulsate my brakes/tail lights at a stop light when a car is approaching me from the back

Ah that sucks. Glad the rider is alive at least, although I’d imagine not without injury.

I put up my street riding shoes about 4 years ago. After 8 year of riding with no accidents, I felt my time was coming.

I’ll get another bike one day, but just for the track.

I avoided at LEAST 3 accidents today. I thought it was bad in the south towns but Buffalo and the north towns are actually worse. I can not even imagine being on a bike with the thousands of idiots on the road.

Yikes… this happens all too often though… sigh

More people = more idiots. No doubt ^

Still wont help if the person is looking down at a phone.

I watched this broad pull out of a parking lot wide and into the oncoming lane (the direction I was heading) with her cell phone on top of the steering wheel, steering with both hands and the phone!?

I took my bike out a couple of weeks ago. Go figure I took out the day after it was 60 and beautiful out. I had just changed the oil and couldnt resist taking for a short ride in 34 degree weather. I felt uber safe with my HI-VIS work coat complete with reflectors :slight_smile: . It was like instinct tapping my brake light for people to give them the heads up. I was being super cautious with the cold surfaces/tires and the fact I hadn’t been on it in 6 months. What a tease it was tho.

Be safe and God bless

Anyone notice the two kids at the bottom right of the picture? 10 bucks says it was the young girl not paying attention. Imagine that.