2 recent cycle crashes

From the Buffalo News 6/18…


Damn motorcycles should be outlawed. If just one life is saved…
BLAH BLAH BLAH…:blah:…(facetious Shrives)


Damn motorcycles should be outlawed.


wow :clap:

I do think that the privilege to have a motorcycle license and ride a motorcycle should be more rigorous to obtain. I also think it should be more rigorous to earn and maintain a regular drivers license. Also, the age should be higher for moto license with mandatory minimum driving experience. These people getting hurt are too young…

The few spoil it for the many.

All it takes is one immature tard with a bike (ok more than one) to get laws like that passed.

Stunters ruin it for the bike scene

Street racers ruin it for the car scene

If a motorcyclest want to do tricks and kill themselves fine; let them.

MOST car & Motorcyclist accidents are NOT caused by the bike rider, but by the person in the Car; Therefor OUTLAW CARS!!!

Motorcycles are not the problem, the problem is that typical everyday drivers in cars are NOT trained well enough, do NOT pay attention enough, and do NOT really know how to drive!!!

If you want to increase the “training” required on something make it a normal drivers license!!!

I dont ride a bike…but my thought is pretty simple…if you are on a bike you should be infinite more aware of your surroundings then if you are driving a car. A bike rider stands to recieve the most harm in any sort of an accident so in essence they should “respect” automobile traffic more.

Just like when you are driving your car and a semi trailer is driving near you…you are more aware of watching the semi because you know it will crush you and not even realize it.




i agree 100%…get those things off the roads immediately :stuck_out_tongue:


I dont ride a bike…but my thought is pretty simple…if you are on a bike you should be infinite more aware of your surroundings then if you are driving a car.



Remind me not to be driving down the street when you feel the need to make a left turn and blame it on me for not having infinite attention to cagers who are above the law

If you choose to ride, you have to be more aware of your surroundings. It’s not your riding/driving you have to watch out for, it’s the 46348347494 people on the road’s.

Whether or not they make legal or even logical turns is going to be pretty irrelevant when their Excursion is getting a dent pulled and you’re on the organ donor list.

Be careful, and that’s on both sides.


Just like when you are driving your car and a semi trailer is driving near you…you are more aware of watching the semi because you know it will crush you and not even realize it.


so being aware that a HUGE truck is near you is okay, cause you know it can kill you.

and then NOT knowing that the person on the motorcycle next to will actually die when you merge to the left without looking cause you’re too lazy to check your blind spots. :bloated:

when it comes to just riding, which is what most people i know do on the streets including myself…i honestly turn my head and check for cars 3-4 times both ways, cause people are just that dumb and don’t see you.

since i’ve been riding, the past year has been the worse. i think i have almost been merged into 5-10 times. it’s all about just being aware and looking ahead, maybe you “car” drivers can be more aware too.


since i’ve been riding, the past year has been the worse. i think i have almost been merged into 5-10 times. it’s all about just being aware and looking ahead, maybe you “car” drivers can be more aware too.


this weekend alone I almost got merged into 3 fucking times.

I drive a car and have nearly been merged into 3 times this summer.

It has nothing to do with the bike being small and hard to see.

Lots of shatty drivers out there.


I drive a car and have nearly been merged into 3 times this summer.

It has nothing to do with the bike being small and hard to see.

Lots of shatty drivers out there.


are you kidding me? have you ever ridden a bike? It has everything to do with that. sure there are shitty drivers that just don’t pay attention at all, but alot of normally good drivers just won’t catch you when they do their normal checks.

It’s also harder sometimes to see a bike just cruising casually down the road because they are smaller, which is probably why I have people pull out of parking lots and almost kill me and my g/f.

Normally good drivers still see bikes.

Bad drivers don’t see shit period.

I’ve had people pull out in front of me, try to change lanes into me, all while driving a bright red, loud car.

if you’ve ever gone riding, you’d realize just how much more people don’t see you. it’s scary sometimes. Especially if someone just pulls out in front of you, because you can’t just slam on the brakes when your riding. You have to maneuver away or take the hit. and sometimes maneuvering isn’t an option.

No, I as a driver am super concious of bike riders…I am just saying alot of the car has to be with the bike rider. You are more at risk from someone not paying attention. If I am driving my car and someone in another car doesnt see me we clap fenders and both parties probably walk away. If I am on a bike and someone merges into me I am probably not in good shape.

Dont take what I am saying and twist it to your pro bike mentality. Everyone has responsibilities on the roads to pay attention but typically car drivers pay less attention to their surroundings. Everyone I know with a bike has told me you have to be EXTRA cautious as a rider and yet I see more assclowns on the 90 on bikes going 120 merging across 3 lanes then I ever see cars.


this weekend alone I almost got merged into 3 fucking times.


Hell, last night I saw a Toyota Landcruiser almost get “merged” into. People are idiots… :banghead:


Hell, last night I saw a Toyota Landcruiser almost get “merged” into. People are idiots… :banghead:


well, let me rephrase what I said. I wanted to say, almost changed lanes into me. People merging always make close calls with anything on the road.

I noticed that if I drive my wifes Mazda 6, (not to mention my GN)I get cut off twice as much as when I drive my Nissan Titan. People think it won’t hurt them if they have the bigger vehicle. Hate to say it but it’s true more times then not. They see a bike and think, screw him, I’m bigger. I also have a bike license, but don’t ride anymore.