Rider down

Coming up route to near the entrance of Highland club Apartments looks like a car turned in the path of a bike… looks real bad

Ugh. :frowning:

And so it begins.

1st rider already died this year…not that it makes this any less bad.


Didn’t even hear about it

Some kid out of highscool right had the bike for an hour or something?

the one i knew about was an older guy that ran a red light or stop sign like a month ago.

The following happened in Galway Rt 29, 04/28. I had heard that it happened by where someone was having a yard sale…

GALWAY, N.Y. – State Police are investigating a fatal car versus motorcycle accident on Route 29 in Galway that occurred Sunday afternoon at approximately 3:20 p.m. near the intersection with Fish House Road.
Polic say the operator of the motorcycle, 62-year-old John Mackin of Corinth, was pronounced dead at the scene. A 9-year-old male passenger on the back of the motorcycle was airlifted to Albany Medical Center with multiple fractures.
The driver of the car involved, 47-year-old Clyde Jones III of Gloversville was treated at the scene and released. Two passengers in the car – a 4-year-old male and 19-year-old female – were taken to Albany Medical Center with non-life threatening injuries.

Police say the vehicle operated by Jones did cross the center line for unknown reasons and struck the motorcycle head on. The exact cause of the accident is still under investigation.

State Police ask that anyone with information relating to this accident please call them at 518-899-2319.
Route 29 was closed for hours as investigators probed the scene.

The biggest killer in upstate ny ri city area in the shortest time was motorcycles… I counted 17 in 5 months… Becareful out there boys…

I am not a bit surprised. That can probably be lowered by a lot if everyone just slow way down at intersections.

And stop at them when red lol. Saw a guy yesterday when leaving the pinebush opposite wash ave extension, he rolled up to the red light quickly glanced both ways and tore ass down wash ave extension blowing the light. He was still on it near the lights by the PCC and past. I lost sight of him because I was waiting at the light but could hear him keep going. It looked highly unsafe on many levels. The extension isn’t exactly smooth pavement either lol.

ban yard sales. they turn people into fucking morons who lose all common sense while mentally preparing to find deals, and make the people leaving second guess themselves about their shitty purchase.

On of my biggest fears is riding back road with lots of turns not knowing if a car/truck is coming the other way and if they are in there lane, seen it so many times people taking turns faster than they should be and crossing over.

Haha that’s my #1 fear in a car, I can’t imagine it on a bike.

This happened right outside my house one night a few years ago. I live at the base of a cliff and this kid on a minivan crossed the line, tried to correct and ended up going up my neighbors embankment across the road and flipped the van over 5 times. I have accidents in front of my house yearly (live on a tight bend) and I ran like hell to get out there ASAP in case someone was bout to go die on my section of road. Usually I hear a screach of tires and then one or two hits against the guardrail…this was unlike anything I’ve ever heard before. I was convinced I was going to find a dead body.

The rider down this morning was my dads best friend. Shitty situation.

You guys are definitely the targets of the stupid. However some of you are really trying for the Darwin award. I watch out for bikers all the time and am extra careful with the truck and trailer as my maneuverability is almost non existent, and I swear I think some guys are trying to see just how close to getting flattened they can get.

Oh it definitely goes both ways, bikers being hit by idiots and bikers being the idiots. Like the ones I see weaving through traffic, not using turn signals just missing the bumpers of cars they pass.

all bikers are idiots. We wouldnt do something so dangerous if we werent :lol