Rider down

I really look out for bikers, I really do, and I try to advocate that other drivers be aware of them… Buuuuuuuut, yesterday on my way home from work I saw one that really seems to be trying to be killed. In and out of the same lane, splitting lanes, swerving all across the 3 lanes, just non stop chaos.

If a car were doing everything 100% correct, they would hit and kill this guy because he’s just out of control. And I see the same type of scenario at least once a day during the summer.

It’s no different than the gun control debate IMO - treat them correctly and your chances of getting hurt are slim, act like an ass hole who thinks they are invincible and you’re going to get a mortality check.

80% of bikers I see drive like fucking idiots and wonder why they get hit. Not just crotch rockets either.

This. Except Harley type bikes with the exception of the occasional make some noise harder acceleration for the most part they tend to ride pretty conservatively. Probably because the majority of those riders are older and you don’t live that long riding a bike when you ride like a twat.

^ That.

Thats bc our bikes cant go fast enough to ride like that through traffic! LOL

I have nothing against crotch rockets as I used to own a few, but they are MUCH easier to ride like an idiot especially with the power they make these days.

That too, but they sure look a lot more comfortable to ride than a crotch rocket lol.

The consistent complaint I have with those is LOOOOUUUUDDD NOOOOOISES! Please don’t drive through a residential/city street WOT with your friggen big ass pipes blasting into my open windows. I will roll bowling balls at you.

May be in terms of riding position for cruisers, but most likely not suspension especially the rear; Which usually have very little travel and to compensate for that they have to be stiff which makes the ride pretty harsh.

Air shocks :slight_smile:

This! There’s a guy in our apartment complex, every nice morning he goes down and starts his Harley. That’s cool whatever. But it’s the couple minutes of revving he feels the need to do every morning just before 6am! I’m just gonna throw my alarm clock away.

I try not to take mine out that early in the AM, I like some of my neighbors and my bike isn’t obnoxious loud but isn’t quiet either.

Though I hear AVB rolling by my house at 10-1030pm in his car when Im in bed during the week. Work at 5am comes quick!

Nah, there’s definitely a difference between pipes that are just loud and you’re trying to cruise through as quietly as possible and just BWRAAAAAAAAAAP for no reason down the street.

This fucking old dude down the stret from my old house used to rev his stupid harley for a half hour every nice day. Used to piss me off so bad.

It calmed down after I antilagged his house in my Supra at midnight one Friday.


Pretty sure you can call the cops and/or file a complain with the county with the “noise ordinance” law.

Yeah. If it gets real bad ill talk to him myself, last resort is authorities. I’m sure I’m not the only one who can hear him haha.

I try to drive down our road slow sorry if it wakes you up man!

Just bustin balls, I know you do, our road is too fucked to go fast, though I hate the assholes that go 40-50 down it, especially since the house next to me runs a daycare.

Anyone who speeds in a residential area deserves to be pit maneuvered after they leave said neighborhood.

Yea our road fucking sucks! Our road alone is ruining my suspension haha