Sorry about the mess, just checking in... (UPDATE)

For any of you that were on the boulevard around 5:00pm yesterday by Raymore and Flannigan, sorry about backing up traffic for a bit. The guy that decided to cut me off thought that the 5 feet he gave me from my front tire to his back bumper was more than enough room to stop from 35 to 0. You know how it goes. So needless to say after 4 hours at the hospital (3 hours waiting, 1 hour of actual treatment) I’m fine, and he’s going to be hearing from my lawyer.


/punt asshole drivers.

Oh yeah, if this goes to court, I should be getting either 1.) a new bike or 2.) new body panels and engine work.




holy fuck! glad to see you’re okay! be careful mang

You ran into him? What does the police report say? Witnesses?

Typically, whoever hits from behind is at fault or at least has a tough case to prove.

Glad to hear you are alright.

It’s pretty bashed up, I didn’t hit him, but my two witness both identified him as the cause of the accident, and he never stopped so the APD tracked him down. I just got a bruised hip, cuts to my knees and a stiff shoulder. I can’t tell you guys how glad I was for spending money on good gear, my Alpinestar jacket and helmet saved me from a ton of extra injury. not to mention the 25 dollar gloves i got from freewheeling.


Sucks that he ran off too, but :tup: to the APD. If they tracked him down for you, I’m guessing you have a decent shot with your claims.

thanks man, it was a friggin mess lol

I didn’t hit him, my witness was a black pickup who was initially about 50 feet in front of me, and then the driver in a gold chrysler cut infront of me, slammed on his brakes because traffic slowed and i had probably .5 seconds to react so both brakes locked, i slid the bike and the bike flipped over twice, i flipped and rolled a few times, and traffic stopped. I talked to my uncle, he’s an attorney and he said that since the witnesses had the mind enough to take down the license plate and description, that was enough information to hold up in court to go after the guy, since obviously he drove away and denied ever cutting me off.

What a fucking tool. Things like this scare me away from a bike.

Eh, thing is, it would’ve been an accident whether it was in my car, or on my bike, unfortunately it was on my bike and it was worse, but it’s like everyone says, it’s not the rider of the bike, its people around you that you need to be worried about, and that fucker woke up this morning and decided to be THAT guy for me.

Glad to hear you’re okay and :tup: to the witnesses. Its good to see there are still a few decent people in the world.

this is why people need to avoid the BLVD PERIOD.

glad to hear u ok.

wow man, lucky you’re not seriously hurt :tup:

I hope ya get a new bike out of the deal

i work on the blvd lol

glad to hear about the witnesses. :tup:


You would be SOL w/o a witness.

That sucks…but glad you are ok :tup:

Any damage done to the idiot that cut you off?

At first I didn’t understand how a fender bender resulted in a trip to the emergency room and how it could necessitate a thread. Furthermore I didn’t understand how you rear-ending someone would equate to a win in court.

Then I found out you were on a bike!!! :ham:

Him leaving the scene HAS to basically seal the case in your favor… with the witnesses. ching. ching. ( as long as you heal up properly )

Glad your ok, sucks about the bike but im sure after court you will probably be able to pay cash for a new one at the dealer, even bikes with minimal damage usually get totaled…thumbs up to good witnesses

wow, glad you are alright dude, gear ftw…I just about cry when I see someone on a bike with no gear these days.