458 crash video...

when you see it…

I’m still not sure what the, “when you see it…” is for. I must not have seen it. Do I want to see it?

But, OUCH. I wish there was another camera angle of the crash itself. Why did he fly into the wall like that at such speed?

Did the guy in the orange pants survive?

yeah, he’s in critical, everybody will make it they are saying.

In for service, mechanics took it out for a joyride?

Same here

The way everyone is leaning over the pit wall and clapping, and the way the head of the pack was driving slow I am assuming this happened after the checkered was out. Must have been racing for that elusive 7th spot.


I think the last words out of the track guys mouth were 神聖なたわごと!


Did you translate it?



It’s just the corner worker getting tagged.

Wow that thing disintegrated

i think it’s supposed to though and leave the cockpit intact only.

Looks like he came in contact with another car and lost control into the wall. Click the alternate view on the video.