Wow deff look

There are no bad pics!!! Just a lucky person’s truck shown.

Holy shit

Whoa!! How does that even happen?

That is the luckiest person in the world

How bout that! Looks nuts

:jawdrop: I would of shit myself


Holy Shit X2
EDIT:^^ HaHa we posted the same thing at the same time, but you beat me to it. so X3

i would shit off the side of that cliff

:rofl: @ the G-Unit and 50 cent spray painted on the cement part near the tube

that’s on lucky sonofabitch

:eek: omg what a lucky sob!!!

I would have taken the first plane to Vegas that day…

dam women drivers.


After a second, closer look at things… I think the truck went along the upper side of the guardrail after busting threw the concrete barrier. The hit one of the guardrail posts and got spun 180 degrees around to land in the spot it did.
edit: except with the opposite rotation my arrow shows.

Is it just me or is that a pile of car debris at the bottom?

lol i think the funniest thing is te fact that someone spray painted “50 cent” and “g-unit” on the pipe


play the f’n lottery man