anyon know where to rent nikon lenses locally?

im going to sabres game tonight, looking to rent a longer lens than my 18-200. anyone know where i could rent one? or do you have one i could rent from you? ill give cash, leave you with my 18-200 vr lens and my canon gl2 camcorder as collateral. 940-7309

Is your 18-200 a Nikkor? Interested in selling it?

it is, its my primary lens right now though. unless i can get a 24-85mm f2.8 nikon.

Well you let me know if you decide to sell. :wink:

will do

Not local, but maybe for the future. Not that cheap though.

I think Delaware camera does rentals. IDK what it cost’s, you may even have to pay the worth of the lens to rent it, and for anything decent of 200MM that is big money. Im not positive though.

If that’s the case you will be talking big money. Ideally for Sabres games you’ll want at least a 300-400mm and f/2.8.