anyone else looking forard to the new star wars?

fuck i wanna buy tickets now so i can see it the day it comes out…looks like its gonna be a bad ass movie… any other star wars fans in here?

thank goodness, no :slight_smile:


I’ve been using the force for years, treating me pretty good.

yeah I want to see it. I also want to see the hitchhiker’s guide to the galexy. For soem reason it just looks to be one of those stupid yet funny movies.


Here you go

:rofl: :rofl:

this looks like it will be on par with the ‘old ones’

no interest at all

if the buzz says its an alright movie then ill probably see it

We’ll wait till it comes out on DVD and add it to the collection. I saw the very first star wars in the theater 33 times w/ my dad :embarassd LOL

i want to see it

im kinda into it still… not like i used to be tho…

i was down southpark today watchin a huge fat girl, some gay geek kid, and a little black girl ( all looked 25 years old) playing with lightsabers…:greddy2:
i reached for my digital cam but i had left it at home :frowning:

you are a fucking nerd.

Oh Fuck Yeah!

you need to fall off the fucking planet and shut your fucking mouth.



shall I fall off the planet and end up a long time ago in a galaxy far far away?

I finally saw the original three over the past few weeks with my kids. I will now get the other 2 and probably download this last one after I watch the others.

the only bad thing is now my 3 year old just walks around the house beating the shit out of stuff because he thinks he is using a lightsabre.