anyone going out tonight?

Dude… we don’t hate you, I think most of us would just like to see yah loosen up a little bit. I mean if you beat the shit out of pete, I completely understand.

  • 1 LOL

come out u fucker who cares i still chill wit the 17 yr olds


But youre only 21 or so, right?
At this point tonight I really dont feel like doing anything anymore.

PJB, I hang out with people from 18 to 70+ it doesnt matter to me if people are cool they are cool BUT I can tell you this fun is fun that is all loosen up a little you should come out and hang out with a couple of us sometime, I think you will have a blast.

Priceless +rep

At the lot or something like that I hang around people of all ages but Im not one to go hang out with a bunch of 18 year olds by myself.

Its not like I never go out and have a good time. I do occasionally go out but lately less than I used to for various reasons.

Dude I cant wait to feel better so I can get my ass out the house I have bee stuck at home for two whole Friggen weeks

Edit: I am not saying go out and drink with 18 year olds BUT if you meet a drunk 18 year old a bar knock yourself out !!!

Well that sucks. No work or anything? I couldnt even afford to do that.

I really wanted to go out to the lot with my shitbox car tonight but that couldnt happen and thats the only plans I had.

No work no nothin…just coughing, no sleeping, body aching, headache, stuffy nose…oh will the shit end !!!

Damn thats shitty.
Luckily for me I dont really get sick because I dont get any sick time from work and couldnt afford to lose any pay.

Life isnt about money my man…Life is about you and people…Money comes and it goes…save what you can because it will always come in handy, BUT All I care about is making sure my daughter is provided for(College,Life Insurance,Investments,etc) other than that its all gravy… lol she is only 14 months old

In this life, one thing counts; in the bank, large amounts.

-Fagin (Oliver Twist)


sad way to live

Well if I dont make money I cant pay for anything and I dont want my truck getting repoed and shit like that.
I dont have any kids to worry about and I still dont have any money.

BTW I had to pay for my college education all by myself. I really dont agree with the idea of parents paying for it.

Oh I agree with Parents paying for College…after all I didnt ask to be born BUT I was, they better help me make a better life for myself IF possible BUT it wasnt that case with me either I paid for all of it myself BUT I will make damn sure my daughter has it better

In this life one thing does count…and its not money its the person you become everything else will fall into place. If you dont end up rich oh well just make sure you always stay responsible BUT the fact you said this =FAIL


jesus christ dude it was clearly a joke :facepalm :rofl :rofl :rofl

the only good part about that book/movie though :smiley:

anyone goin tonight? little chilly

eeeeeeeeeemr2 would be lovin this cold air :rofl