Anyone going to LVD tonight?!?!?!?

You can borrow mine if you want to give it a shot. I dont know if the '99 15" wheels will clear the Cobra’s brakes but youre welcome to try for a night.

thanks for the offer dude! i might take you up on it i have to see if they will fit!

No problem. Let me know. I live right by Hank’s shop.

Yeh last run the guy came up to me and goes “What the fuck did i tell you about running 11.2!? Get the fuck outta here and dont come back until its caged!!!”

Why so mad? lol did think they like took offense to it

was it the little guy that lines the cars up? with sunglsses?

HAHA, thats awesome! Good work Chris!

WOW!! Someone was havin a bad day :lol

I would have told him to go fuck himself. Theres no need for the attitude