LVD tonight? 6/2/10

Im planning on heading down with my buddy that has the Evo X for a grudge match. I know I can beat him with traction so we are planning on heading down.

Anyone else going?

Should be heading up with a couple of people

This guy

I can has grudge match too?!??!!

i’m definitely going.

Nice haha. I’m not sure if we have ever met in person before.

lookin forward to meeting ya then! now that i think about it, i don’t think we have either.

you’ll know me by the insanely dirty cobra with blue tape all over it. Look for Bryan facepalming someone, chances are it’s me.


omg :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl

That might even make it into my sig.

LMAO… Ill be heading up there… not sure if i should take the truck or the bike

^I think I am taking my bike out.

did you get new tires yet?

No, so not running it…just gonna ride it out.

Puttin the man pants on tonight…will be there

Wayne, I’m gonna bring my cam up and my 90-300mm lense. Better be doin’ work out there.

What time you heading out? Me and couple others are leaving colonie at 6 ish. It’s drew, Greg, Kenny and I. And possibly silent

6ish sounds good, where you guys meeting up

I plan on heading out there tonight after a long 2 year hiatus in the bowels of Utica. I’m probably just spectating though, as my car is super slow and i have hundreds of passes on it already.

same here. minus the spectating and the Utica.

We are meeting on collegeview right next to phibbs at drews gf’s apartment.

Will be there…