LVD tonight? 6/2/10

I was gonna go but their is other stuff there tonight besides just test an tune. Some
pure street shit. Which means more f’n
people. I really wanted to go but I know it
will be packed tonight with it being a
holiday weekend last week and it being so nice.

Wayne I haz helmet for you

Shit that’s the other thing I forgot a
helmet. I def can’t go then. Thanks for the reminder

they have them there you can rent.

  1. They have had pure street every wed night since the dawn of time. They are the cars in lane 1 and 2. Always there.

  2. Unless things have changed I’m pretty sure they don’t have helmet rentals. When did this start?

  3. I would like to meet this cool Wayne character! I love hoppers!

Wayne is the biggest cockbag on the face of this earth, when you see him, be sure to punch him in the dick.

Nah wayne is an awesome DOOD… I swear waynes becoming the most popular guy on shift these days.

In all the times ive been there on Wednesdays im ashamed i never paid attention to the lane 1 or 2 thing. I would want my own helmet and i too didn’t know they rented them .

Hopefully for you guys that go you get a bunch of runs and its dead . I wish i was going .

How much is it to rent a helmet?

Hopefully the CT BUSTANG BOYZ will be there tonight.

Alright, I wont be there until close to 7ish. But I will be there damnit

just run without a helmet and tell them it won’t break 14’s or 100mph like me :rofl

…then get asked to leave when it traps almost 121mph :lmao

sorry guys im not going to make it :frowning:

will be there along with jeff

my friend and i are probably gonna go down later (after 7) in my vr4 :stuck_out_tongue:


whats wrong wayne?

a member is in the 9 second club.

did not get results i wanted

best was 12.787. checked over the logs and the slips, car just doesn’t like the heat and my 60 foots this year blow. wheel hop like a motherfucker too. i’ll kill someone tonight.

the yellow Z gotcha on that pass. time for some JUICE!

no juice. car needs moar driver. that vette got me on every pass. he would’ve had me on my best day though, so i’m not mad. :slight_smile: