Anyone going to the regatta?

So yeah I don’t know anything about it but I guess there is some regatta in Ellicottville (sp?). I’m going along for the ride, I heard it is supposed to be a really good time. Anyone on here going?

not going but i have friends that are. i guess you get a bottomless beer cup at the start and have a bunch of stops on the way. With lunch at the end. The few people i know that are going are dressing as pirates and if i know them will probably try and board a boat or two

argghhh matey!

in yo areah

floatin dem boatz :tup:

EDIT: this is a good time. if you can go, go :slight_smile:

My wife grew up in Ellicottville and was a frequent floater in the regetta… she says if you go down the river you will be intoxicated before the end…and if your not…you didn’t party hard enough…there are plenty of girls that will be willing to do just about anything as long as it gets rewarded with booze…the boobies will be never ending (they usually are anyhow)…and the party is ALL WEEKEND LONG! She said you should def. go down tonight after the game of course and find a camp sight if you plan on staying the weekend they will go fast…she also said WATCH OUT FOR THE UNDERAGE GIRLS,THEY GROW THEM FAST IN THE COUNTRY!! Have fun…

Oh and she also said that if you plan on drinking you should buy your alcohol here before you leave,and make sure you have plenty, it will be hard to find alcohol down there it will sell VERY QUICKLY

yeah, watch out for underage girls

you know, since this is a real bad thing you want to avoid

17’s legal in NY, btw :tup:


yeah, watch out for underage girls

you know, since this is a real bad thing you want to avoid

17’s legal in NY, btw :tup:


directions!?@#!?@#?!… find them1@#?!

dude. get on 219S

keep going til you get to ellicottville

get something that floats

put beer in it

put yourself in it

float around


The rest will just sort itself out from there :spam:

is anyone going down to party and not on a boat?

i could use something to do all day tomorrow?

It fucking ruled. Our canoe sank, all of our stuff went floating down the river. I fell in but managed to save all of the booze.:headbang: I lost a chair, a cooler, my cell phone is destroyed (I’m a regatta noob), and my dad’s good canoe is scraped to hell. I was drunk all day and the weather was amazing. I would do it again next weekend if there was another one.

How did you manage to sink a boat?

canoes are pretty easy to sink if youre le wasted lol

A good amount of people tip and/or sink. We got swept into a tree, people panicked, and it tipped enough to take in water. We all managed to climb into the tree before our canoe sank and floated away. It was recovered down the river. Only my shoes were wet, but I fell in saving the jello shots. Duct tape seal FTW! All of the liquor, beer, cigs, and a digital camera survived, and my phone works great now.:smiley:

Hahahah thats one of the best stories ive heard in a while. lol


A good amount of people tip and/or sink. We got swept into a tree, people panicked, and it tipped enough to take in water. We all managed to climb into the tree before our canoe sank and floated away. It was recovered down the river. Only my shoes were wet, but I fell in saving the jello shots. Duct tape seal FTW! All of the liquor, beer, cigs, and a digital camera survived, and my phone works great now.:smiley:


Haha, I think I saw you guys… We we’re going crazy in our canoe, smashing into other boats and just fucking with people or getting fucked with. We tipped over like 4 times and the water was fucking cold. The whole event was great tho, everyone was fucking trashed and the weather was perfect. I got burned to shit but oh well, it was worth it.

:tdown: to everyone throwing there shit in the water… We tried to pick up as much shit as we could but kept losing it all when we tipped.

I can’t wait to do it again next year.