Octoberfest in Ellicottville

It is this weekend, October 7th and 8th in Ellicottville. I’m sure most of you have been there before so if you want to come down and get drunk for cheap, let me know. I will be working in the ski patrol tent from 6-11 Saturday night. PM me if you want and I will keep an eye out for you. I should have a stack of tickets to hand out.

i haven’t gone in years…

oh wow if any of you guys can go, you should


Im actually thinking about heading up there… Ill PM you if I know for sure

aaaaaaaaaw shit… considers strongly are you guys deep in the fall leaves yet? this was going to be a little trip with the woman, but if I can get hammered in the process… :smiley:

I’ll be there all weekend at the Jefferson Inn. Can’t wait

how strict do you think they’ll be with id’s. my roomate isn’t 21 until the end of this month

Oh yes I’ll definitely be going there…we like to get the Canadian broads to buy all our drinks, saves a few bucks ya know.

good time :tspry:

i think i might go

I cant speak for anyone other then the ski patrol tent but I would say we are pretty strict. It is our biggest fund raiser and since there are cops everywhere they dont want to take any chances.

I would go if I had somewhere to stay…

Yeah went down last year with a supposed place to stay, that fell through, so one of us had to DD…back through the road block only equaled by the bucky search

Well let me tell you, do not drink redbull all night…it reallllyyy messes you up



i do have a house…

I sorta remember you talking about this. I was thinking it was someone else up until I read your post…

I can probably do without going to this.

i went once…good times…but im not going this year

I’ll be there sat night ready to throw back a few and nail some Canadian broads…

ill be there saturday and sat night…

doesn’t your uncle have a place there?

not anymore.