Hey im just curious who has made it into the 8 sec or less time.
if so what was your set up? got any picture?
and last question
is 8 sec in the 1/4 fast to you?
i beileve 8 sec on a street car is pretty rare, and its very very fast
I know someone that does on a regulay basis…
6’s i think…
Leave the rail cars out of this…
8 seconds in the quarter is uber-slow. i know of a stock civic dx that runs 5 seconds through the mile.
ummm Top fuelers run about 3 secs in the 1/4 which is about 12 secs in the mile…unless its pure sarcasm…
you people watch too much Fast and the Furious
3 secs in the quarter mile is well into 2-300 mph EASY… therefore assuming they hold 300 mph the it would be much closer to a 8 sec mile… fwiw
blah blah… check the timeslips dave… i think the fastest is like a 10… o well
my car hits 4 second 1/4 mile EASY.