i did Hvac/ refirgeration for about a year. I made decent money for being 20 years old and with very little training other then some schooling. But after a year i got fed up with it. Lomg summer days up on roofs then working out in the rain. Then when winter came dealing wiht icy roofs. it just wasnt doing it for me. One thing to look out for if you do go into that field is the amount of time you will spend on call. once i month i had to cover a whole weekend and once a week i would get a weekday night. That isnt too bad in the winter but in summer i pretty much had no life when i was on call since of the weather. One last thing would be the company letting you take home your work van. My old company didnt allow this and that pissed me right off considering all my tools were in there and when ever i needed them i had to go get them out of my truck. Like i said its decent money but in the end i said F’ it, it wasnt worth the hassle they were puttin me thru