Anyone in/near Boca Raton ?

I’m stuck in a hotel room. A coworker and I are going to watch the Bills game in Ft. Lauderdale. There is supposed to be some Bills bar on Sundays there. Anyone heard of a place like that ? I am not sure of the name. My coworker has the info but he ran off to the beach.

What ya doing down there?Work?

Yes, we have an office down here. i’ll be returning tomorrow night.

I did hit the mother load while here though. Across the street there is a Harley store that is having a blow out sale on clothing. I bought 4 leather jackets and numerous T-shirts for $400. At the regular prices, there is $1600 worth of stuff. Everything was 75% off. It’s been a profitable trip!

Boca chop house, … or brew’s room in pampano beach on federal hwy the owner is from buffalo) … if you need any other info on bars or stuff email me or aim me ill set ya up…

good place for hot old chicks tonight …

tomorrow at 5pm this place gets going get the planter punch