Ft. Lauderdale anyone?

I leave wednesday to spend a week in Ft lauderdale for my sister’s wedding. Wedding is only 1 day (saturday) so I’ll have 6 other days to kill. Looking for anything to do.

In terms of nightlife, I’m not really into clubs. More into bars. I’m an Allen type of guy, no Chippewa. They probably have nothing but clubs there though so this is likely a moot point.

Also if there’s anywhere close I’d like to give surfing a try. never been

Anyway, I will be staying in the Northeast corner of ft lauderdale, right off federal highway US-1, in between Atlantic and Commercial.

any ideas?

see my post in the orlando thread. it holds true for this city as well

Biscayne Motors is a ferrari/lambo dealer really cool place. they used have a few F50’s and F40’s on display.
I just googled it and they might not be in business anymore. damn. Go to Wolfie’s in south beach for lunch one day. Oh and good luck finding english speaking waiters/waittresses.

Automatic Slims in downtown Ft. Lauderdale is a pretty sweet bar/club.

I’d go check out Beach Place - right on the waterfront - Lulu’s Bait Shack

Also- LaBare was a good time :tup:


yeah pauly, my sister said there’s a ferrari dealership right near her house so maybe that’s it

I just went to Fort Lauderdale a month ago. There is is this bar called Howl at the Moon. It’s pretty chill. It’s off Los Olas Boulevard right by the beach. They play Rock music there and put on a decent show.

dude find a bar on the beach, drink and burn one

life couldnt get much better

There is the HardRock Casino and restuarant near there.

Good times.

cot damn the weather is beautiful

I just got back yesterday… weather was awesome… enjoy it

they have a coyote ugly? if your into that kind of thing. but mostly clubs down there. for things to do, you can do all the typical shit like snorkling, parasailing. all that crap. If you have a girlfriend that likes chocolate, there is this palce called kilwin’s right on los olas, they make it right in front of you, its pretty amazing. They have a pretty nice cheesecake factory. Walk the canal man, thats always fun. if you really need to know anything specific, let me know. i have a house down there…