Anyone know anyone with a classic mini?

^^^^^ If anyone knows of someone in the area with one that I could meet up with and talk to can you PM me and I’ll give you my contact info to have them get ahold of me.


damn seems like everyone knows someone with a classic mini

Member on here.

I’ll try to come up with a name/email.

Txt me if you don’t get it soon because that means I forgot.

Should come up in results if you search mini though :ponder

When I search mini all that comes up is Dave Singh. I don’t get it.

the only thing you should be searching for… is a job

jk ofc

I’ve got a job on the farm lined up for this summer for a while… then I’m tryna move out of Albany.


ya i dont care i was just kiddin, being unemployed and bored is a blessing and privilege

yeah Brett is his name. I talk to him here and there and did a little work with him too. He lives off western behind x-gates there. Great dude, always has some cool projects hes working on. Ill text you his number.

BTW, dropping off the block/pan wed morning.