• FIGHT: Police were called to the basketball court behind 284 Main St. about 5:30 p.m. Saturday for a report of a fight involving more than 20 youths, according to reports.
The ages of the people involved in the fight ranged from 14 to 27.
HAHAHAH 27 to 14?!!?!?!?
I cant imagine being 27 and telling my friends or mcdonalds coworkers “Yo im gonna go hang out with my gang. We gotta be back by 6 tho cuz lil bow wow and lil scrappy are on curfew since they are 14”
Uh, well you’re just a pussy… but I don’t stand for people threatening/jumping my friends with knives and guns and shit… sorry. I actually saw you before, you’re one of those goofy looking tight close wearing fags. So, yea… definitely a huge pussy.
exactly, if people don’t acknowledge these dumb asses they’ll, eventually, be like “wow, we are lame… and no one even cares anymore”
i went to Kenmore West, graduated almost 4 years ago now…
this shit was starting when I finished… and how glad am I to get out…
after about 2 seconds thinking about where the problem lies; 1. Low income housing in good school districts, 2. Parents who dont have control. 3. RAP MUSIC 4. Not stiff enough judgement for assholes… 5. do what was always done, beat them if they do something wrong… PERIOD
yes, but you see we (some members) are semi smart people who can titrate properly. I did not go anywhere near these kids when I was younger because they indulged way to much into the lifestyle and became “brainwashed” into thinking they are “hard asses”…
now after years of graduation I can see where these “hard asses” ended up…
ok…LOL, you got me there…but noone called you a scumbag so what are you all bent out of shape for? As for my welcome thread, you didnt see me calling names and getting mad, 3/4 those people dont even know me, they just jump on the wagon and I take that into great consideration.