Anyone know who buys old/antque stoves?

I have a spare stove(well 2 actually), one of which is pretty much unused and probably 35+ years old. Its in perfect condition, and it was used in the back house by the guy that rented it years ago. As far as I know it works, I would like to sell it to someone who reconditions old/antique stoves as I would probably get decent money compared to craigslist.

Sorry dear, but I don’t think it’s quite that old.

heh, who cares, we still need to get rid of it, who the fuck needs 3 stoves?

Shaggy, for reasons which you need not dig too deep into.

Crystal Meth can’t make itself

I know, and it cant deliver itself either. And the delivery truck can’t get past the smokey’s by itself either…

If all else fails… scrap yard.

eh, if theres alot of copper it the 2 I have maybe, but I can get some of the local charitys to come haul it away and give me a reciept so I can write it off as a donation on this years taxes.

scrap it


this just in, the reason you have 3 stoves is because no one wants them :rofl:

Actually, the reason is because neither of us have bothered to put them on craigslist yet.


our garage was converted to an apartment by the previous owners, thats why I had 2. Then maggie decided she wanted to buy a black stove that was new. And me being the pussy i am I let her.

i fail.

our garage was converted to an apartment by the previous owners, thats why I had 2. Then maggie decided she wanted to buy a black stove that was new. And me being the pussy i am I let her.

i fail.


Post pics of the stoves. Might be cool in my game room if I spray paint it black or something (and you sell it to me for real cheap).

It’s stainless steel and black, actually.