Yeah so, I'm addicted to scrapping metal

Cause Im trash.

Anybody have anything laying around and want it removed?

how much would you give me for a fridge?

if i could get 50 bux for it, id let it go

^ No thanks. I own an appliance store and I sell some for $50.

Also, it’s hard to scrap fridges…

old gas stove from my basement??? make me an offer.

Old electric oven/stove. ?

Free? I do you the favor of getting it out of basement.

Free? I do you the favor of removing it from wherever.

yeah guys.dont expect money for your junk.You should expect free he picks it up.Otherwise its not worth it

my stove still works just fine, we just converted to gas, so since he owns an appliance business he may want to sell it therefore it may be worth something to him, not just scrap.


It’s a good point. I get all my stuff from a dealer and they clean/inspect it for me, since I don’t have the time myself. It takes 1.5 hours to clean a fridge and about that much depending on how dirty the stove is. Plus, I’ve had working appliances that I got from people that became non working weeks later and it’s just a pain in the ass to re deliver a diff appl. and take out the old one for free. Thanks though, just lookin for scrap.

How much does a pound of metal go for? And where can you take it for $?

buy my saturn and sell parts off it, then scrap it.

about $0.10 - $0.13

Fuckers in beat up pickup trucks, and a guy in a brand new silverado drive around west seneca every day and grab anything metal.

Its weird.

I left a gas grill out front, it was gone in 10 minutes.

I threw a sink out, the guys were hammering the chrome drain out of the porcelain to scrap that.

^^ some grills are decent money if they are cast aluminum

I need to get into the scrap business. A buddy of mine makes like $300 a week by just scraping shit. I wouldn’t mind doing that a couple days a week.

I just scored over a 1/2 ton of scrap on a side job today, what time are the yards open til?

I have a copper weather vane with a pretty big copper horse on it. I suppose I could weight it, but I’m curious what it’s worth as scrap.

If it’s worth less than $10, it’s all yours.

I’ll try to weigh it tonight.

Quick spelling tip:

A single consonant usually makes the preceding vowel long. Scraping is what you do when you scrape something. Scrapping is what you do when you scrap something. The double consonant makes the preceding vowel short. Just a little rule to help with spelling. Yes, I’m a huge jerk.

Did that. Quick/easy/fun.

Don’t. You’ll be taking money away from me.

Have to be in by 4 at Twin Village.

Sure. Your close. Lemme know.

Edit- definition of irony?
