anyone looking for work?

where i work(basil ford) is looking for a night time lube tech, you do basic shit and get some free time when theres no work, sometime will have to help out front with service writer till constructions done,
if your interested pm me and ill forward you the contact info,
you will need your own tools

you would just need basic tools, unless your more qualified

What is “night time”? what times?..what is the pay for someone with no prior experience in that field?

there looking for someone with mech skills ill find out more info tomm


Mechanical as in certified somehow?..because im not certified by any means but I do know alot of stuff for not being certified…either way let me know.

I own a screwdriver, can I apply?


he said hed hire a greeter for mon-thur 4-9 or if your qualified to be a lube tech or night tech hed work out hours

qualified? Who on here doesn’t know how to unscrew an oil filter?

if speedped got a job there I’m sure everyone is qualified

Now thats a job

What is the starting pay?

I got a few ASE’s that work?
I noramly dont get out of work till 5:30ish