Anyone looking to pickup a hovercraft?

FOR SALE: One military grade hovercraft. Complete with armament. Cruise Lake Erie in style and threaten Canada at will.

Yours for the low, low price of $65,000,000. :tup:

do these thing even really serve a purpose? i dont ever really hear of them in use anymore.

damn it, even military vehicles have the damn fish mouth now

there are some sweet boats on that site

totally want one, its a shame i would have to wait 4 to 5 years for it to be completed

but a plus to the purchase is “Armament includes two (2) stabilized multiple rocket launchers, four (4) IGLA-1M portable air defense missile systems among others.”

and it makes a mere 60,000 hp

Does the US military use these?

baller, but I have nowhere to park it

not these, they utilize hovercrafts though (LCACs)


My dad built a 1 person one back in the 60s. He wants to build another one eventually.

Erie County Sheriffs have 1 or 2 of them. At least they did. It was parked near Chef’s Restaurant.

Olcott Beach use to have 2 that shuttled people from Olcott Beach to toronto. They are still there, but in bad condition.

Well if you don’t feel like waiting and want to step up in luxury, there’s this:

Room for 36 crew and 36 guests
25,833sq ft. of guest space.
Just a hair under $172,000,000

Yea, with 2 or 3 (don’t remember) of them packed into the bottom of the new LCS (Litoral Combat Ship). They’re pretty impressive.

I might look into buying an older one. They aren’t that expensive. As long as the skirts aren’t crap.

Plus year round use. Would be fun to float above the ice on Lake Erie :slight_smile:

oh perfect
ill go buy that now
i just need to find 36 crew

35 if I can be the captain. :slight_smile:

A dude up the street from my dad had a hovercraft when I was a kid, it had twin engines, and he would fire it up in the driveway all the time. It was like a two seater I think.

wonder what the sales people thought.

Oh hey uh, I’d like to trade in my boat.
What kind is it?
Uh yea, it’s a hovercraft.
and so on…

But then again seeing other boats they have… It doesnt seem out of the ordinary

Confuses me a little.
Because it says…
“The Crew at the large bar serve anything from cold drinks to a hot buffet - 24 hours a day.”
Soooo wat?
Does it come with a crew already?
Do I have to pay them?

Oh and yeah.

Fuel Capacity (Gallons): 61,940
Sorry, but I’m not picking up that gas bill.

^^^ Not sure if it comes with the crew or not. I guess if you can afford the $172 million to buy the boat, paying for the crew is nothing. Oh and I will volunteer to bartend on the boat if we already have a captain. :slight_smile: