My new toy for all year long - SCAT Hovercraft

For the past 30 years my dad has been interested in hovercrafts. He’s collected small plane engines, made scale models, etc. Recently there was one in Clarence (2 person model) that we were beat by 20 minutes with a deposit. So since June we were looking at a few others and came across one in Rochester, NY

Soooo, last week we went out to see it and struck a deal.
It’s a 1989 SCAT Rescue XT which is 12’ long with a 50hp two valve airplane engine. This one was originally used in Ohio for flood and ice rescues.

It weighs less than 400lbs and will hold up to 750lbs (seating for 3-4 people). It goes on any flat service like grass, dirt, water, snow, and ice :slight_smile:

So, this is going to be some of my summer fun, but a lot of my winter fun.

It get’s delivered (with included trailer) to my dad’s house tonight :slight_smile:

TrueBlue approves :tup:

Nice!! How reliable would this travel across say a lake?

You mean like this?

or this old video

What kind of license is needed for this? (jet-ski license for water, etc)

Considered a small boat. Gets registered and insured as a boat. No licence needed for land use.

There was one for sale in Geneva when I want to Watkins Glen last… I totally want to try driving on some day!

This thread is a whole lot of fucking awesome.

Post vids of this thing in action once you’ve taken delivery.

Top Gear video of it

More racing:

It needs slight fiberglass repair of the hull. We are also going to fix the wiring. My dad is gung ho to get this thing out and being retired, he’ll work on it pretty quickly.
I’ll have my HD camera mounted for videos then :slight_smile: But I’ll maybe do a little floating in his small yard tonight

Most kick ass thing that has been posted all year! I want to see this in action!

This brings back great memories of RC hovercraft fun. Until my bro decided to pull it underwater…

Looks like a lot of fun. How hard is it to find replacement parts?


---------- Post added at 04:30 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:29 PM ----------

how much do these run? this would be super fun for trips to the sandbar… :wink:

---------- Post added at 04:30 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:30 PM ----------

how much do these run? this would be super fun for trips to the sandbar… :wink:

When it’s done, it will be out a lot. My dad wants to go out fishing with it a lot.

Actually pretty easy. They are huge over in England and also Miami.

Similiar models to this go for $6-7K with the upgraded engine. We picked this with trailer up for $3000

You can get smaller 2 person units for $1000-$1500. Just keep watching Craigslist

^i just looked on ebay… i think ill stick with wanting a boat… for now.

Awesome. I wonder why they don’t use some sort of engine like in an outboard boat engine instead of a plane engine?

Plane engine creates lift.


The engine, not the prop. You can drive the prop with anything.

An engine is an engine is an engine and they just make torque. It’s what the torque is applied to…

That looks like a 2 stroke air-cooled snowmobile engine on it. Perfect choice, light weight, no additional cooling system, great power to weight ratio.

If you put a hovercraft on a treadmill, will it hover?

LOL. That’s what I meant. Not sure why they don’t use outboards to run prop.