My new toy for all year long - SCAT Hovercraft

It looks like there’s a deflector in the main prop housing, is that where it gets the air for the base skirt?

im gonna go with cooling and weight…

hovercrafts arent just for on/in water

thats fucking sick!

They dont use outboards because outboards are all water cooled… this is air cooled…

Got it home and in the yard. Did some lift and testing. This thing is going to be fun. Lifting it to repair hole in hull.
Videos a bit later :slight_smile:

nice joe! reading this thread makes me want one. maybe while you are at the repair, repaint it blue w/white stripes…

LOL. I did see one all blacked out. Looked pretty sweet. But the red really stands out. Not like you won’t see this thing coming :slight_smile:

i would totally take this down transit road to work. hahah

exactly! I wonder what a cop would say to that.

dude i want one, that is awesome

this things are surprisingly all over the place

That is the smaller unit, but good for 2 people. Not a bad price. You’d just need a trailer.
Make sure the hull isn’t too bad since people like to hit rocks with them. They aren’t bad to repair (so I’m told)

---------- Post added 07-27-2010 at 12:07 AM ---------- Previous post was 07-26-2010 at 11:47 PM ----------

Quick video from today. Dad got to play around with it. I got to drive it into the garage :slight_smile:

Awesome :tup:


fucking awesome dude :tup:

Not sure if the video posted

looks fun, bigger yard needed.

That was just to test it out. We have some fields around the block and the Erie Canal 1 street over :slight_smile:

does it float if not pushing air downward?

It diverts air down and back. So at all times it is pushing air below to lift.

Here is a similiar one (3 passenger) for sale:

if you turn it off will the hull float in water?