Anyone near Albany?

Just wondering if anyone on here is near the Albany Area.

i am there a few times a month. thats my home town so i go home to see the family

nickkc is, but he is ghey

What’s “near”

i guess by near i mean like 40-50 mile radius.

Hmm, not I, but I do frequent saratoga springs / queensbury

Nice, i used to live in Saratoga

I got my car there a few weeks ago :slight_smile:

sorry not close though :frowning:

i am. At RIT for the next couple weeks though.

I went to school there for a year.

Im in the Albany area. I live in Rotterdam.

Im not that far from Cobleskill either.

Im 15-20 minutes north of albany

I oversaw the installation of the water well for the new Lowes in Cobleskill…

i got a ticket in saratoga before. that sucked.

well its cool to have some people somewhat near

I go out to a bar in Central Bridge on most Wednesday nights