Anyone need a JOB!!!

Im a chief engineer for a hotel and we are looking for a parttime and fulltime maintenance guy. We are out by the international airport/moon area. Pm me for more info



i got back to you

are you looking for engineers???

yeah that helps me out training people…hey aero i see you have a fiero i have one now that im finsishing up with a sbc swap

21k original miles, deciding on Northstar, LT1, or super 3800, tough decision

mine has 61k original miles… do the 3800sc damn fast

how much an hour… what hours and what place in moon?

its 4 to midnight and it starts at 8.00 per hr. its off the montour run rd off of 60

hmm im interested… i could use a night job… you guys intereviewing or just saying show up this time blah blah… hit me up with details or get at me on AIM - dodeeznutz05

stop over and talk to me and we can work out something i have one part time guy now and looking for another the address is 1500 park lane drive pittsburgh,pa 15275 phone 412-787-3300 ask for steve yanda and well get the ball rolling