Anyone notice?

Anyone notice how many threads are about a travis character? What an amazingly failure as a human.

motherfucking DOT.

:crackup :crackup :crackup … :haha

It makes for such good reading material some of the crap thats dug up about that kid.

Travis Koch
Origin: Middle English
Meaning: Toll Collector :lol

I only made this thread because after I was done reading a thread where he blamed someone else for him blowing up his peice of shit car I began to scroll through the list, and see literally 15 threads in the first 2 pages about his weak ass. What a joke.




the thing is I was warned about “this travis guy” b4 I met him and was expecting the worst. Honestly when I met him he didn’t come off bad. He came by my house and we worked on his car and stayed on good terms. Then there’s the internet Travis who just says a bunch of stupid stuff and comes off in really bad character. I know some people probably see this side in person but whenever I see him at a meet or whatever and he’s fine again.

I don’t have major problems with Travis I just had to say something when he was bashing my friend for something I knew he didn’t do.

Internet muscles son!

Byron, how you been man? I haven’t seen you in years. The epic SEMA show in Atlantic City!!!

been good. I troll here regularly. :ninja


^^^ The greatest gif I’ve ever seen.


hahahah good sheet