Omg I haz teeth

prolly as long as its been since trav brushed his teath :lol

I dont think the internet was invented then

Let alone toothpaste.

Somebody should pressure wash or powersand those things

Look at the before/after results!!!

I think theres a pressure washer in my shed.

I think between the powerwasher and this wetsander we can get close to 50% of the shit off Trav’s face.

Nah you’ll need one of these + one of these to even think about getting any of the shit off.

And what are we going to do about the breath?

^^^ This is a mint field:

so are you gonna make him graze the field like a cow or something?


Im not milking him though.

not my problem

EJ257FTW 14:16:20 Reporting a topic to a moderator.

Must be this one. :idiots

:rofl at this thread

:lmao :lmao :lmao :lmao :lmao

This thread makes me smile.

Vlad is the one that split the topic and made this thread so I dont think he’ll do anything about it.

nothing wrong in this thread here. You arent attacking his character so go for it. :banana Plus Travis makes fun of planty of people so if you cant take the heat stand away from the fire.