Anyone play pool?

Just wodering if anyone plays pool. I play for Mike’s Place in a Beaver County 8-ball league.

be_rad plays pocket pool

I play with my pole

i dont play any leagues or anything but i go to the bar alot and play there quite a few games each time i’m there. i’ve gotten pretty good this year since i first started but i’m nothing great yet

I remember getting rides to chaulky’s before i could even drive… im not nearly as hardcore as i used to be.

…and +1 for pittspeed replys :rofl:

I got a table in July and have since become a beast.

:bowdown: to 1320’s sig

since when is mikes place beaver county :rofl: ?

what night is it?

I’m known to play a mean game of pool or two. Some nights I win the table all night, others I cant win for shit. Just depends on how much I have to drink (I play better as the night goes on). Wouldnt mind joining a league.

hey, thanks for the invite, i thought we was cool, i guess not

Close enough!

Tonight at Mikes


I bought a table a few years ago, I got pretty damn good, but haven’t played in a while. I completely refinished my table 2 years ago, new felt, new pockets, leveled, refinished all the rails, and put new wax in the creases between the slate, and then never played on it, it just sits covered in my basement.

that reminds me i should put mine together… but only once my play room gets finished, then it’ll be partys at jtech till the mo’nin mo’nin

i play pool…but i only have one pool stick and two eight balls…

My dad has always had a table so we play quite often when I’m home.

My mom and dad play with a group of guys that go out to Vegas Every year for the national Tournament. they are ridiculous