Anyone play Street fighter or MK3 on xbox live?


i’ll battle you in any fighter, but expect to feel your worst defeat ever in:

marvel vs capcom 2
3rd strike



i might buy hyperfighter for the hell of it… if i do i’ll hit you up


Lets play first, before we talk trash :stuck_out_tongue: Last time I played someone who “never lost before”, I ended up perfecting them them the second round. Not saying that will happen here, but lets let time tell :slight_smile:

I like Marvel vs. capcom, we play that on a daily basis, so i’ll play you in that one. I love third strike. I never played King of fighters, so i’ll have to pass there, but Tekken, i’ll bet money :smiley:

Oh, and just incase anyone here plays smash brothers… i’ve played once or twice… snky

And yes, I always have megaman on my team. He’s so small, he can avoid many attacks, and his power move is a great tie in with others!

And Thom, next time you are up here, lets get together and play some. If you have an xbox 360, i’m on all the time, just let me know.
