Any Xbox Fans??

Im definitely into gaming… any xbox360/Xbox Live people on??? post up your handle’s

Mine is IXICodeBlueIXI
Vlads Vovchandr

my brother plays x360 online…ill find what his handle is…but for now, try synergy

I’ve been playing Call of Duty 4 like crazy, the game is soooo good. A million times better then Halo3

My Live gamertag is: Junun

Whenever I’m on, I’m with with Code Blue so catch us together.

Halo3 Challange anybody? I’m officially undefeated 1 on 1.

I’ve been playing Forza 2 alot lately. I’m not very far into it and I only play once in a great while when im bored. My XBox live expired so I gotta re-sign up. They have at Target right now gold memberships good for 13 months for $49.99.

I’ll be getting forza2 soon, just waiting for microsoft to ship it out to me