Xbox Live

I’m sorry if this is the wrong place to post this , but this is the most suiting place i could find , i see lots of people selling xbox 360’s , so i started wondering does anyone here have xbox live… if so pm me…

why not just have people post there gamer tags if they have live here?

my gamer tag is Logik23

Gamertag : TopNotchOwnage

my gamer tag is A Dirt Squirell

my gamer tags ZAKKU II

my tag is sycobla my lil brothers usually on though.

gamertag: ls240sx

gamertag: konvokiller

hey i have you on my friends list already… just forgot who that name belong to guess i found out who now.

my gamertag:
refused 138



Bringing this back from the dead. With Forza 3 coming out soon and me trying to learn to drift in Forza 2 i have added a few of you guys. I also play gears 1,2 COD4, Halo3,ODST Etc etc online.

Gamertag: JWHReaper

Holy shit old ass thread lmfao, You still on 360 Jeff?

gamertag: jtrnka

i don’t have live hooked up at the moment but i’m sure once i get forza3 it’ll be up and running again.

yeah, doing an endurance race though, ill be done in like 15 min. 7 laps of nurburging ugh.

My live is going to run out on the 27th (day F3 comes out) but ill be out of the country so i will just start it up again when i get back sometime.

GT: Hacknik

as lame as it sounds, we need to have a huge SON forza2 drift session haha.

^Hah, ill lose i have about a half hour practice from today thats it!