Xbox Live


sycobla im renewing my live after forza 3 is officially out. till then i shall continue playing forza3 offline.

GT: johnKUSH

GT: ryantatti


maverick v4

GT: em5ive

GT: sixfootjesus


I play every game, but as soon as MW2 comes out… lifes over


Add up guys! FM3 until MW2 comes out. Just got the game. :)…and wheel!

Can’t wait to get home from work.

x3! Cannot wait, the first one was just so unreal :smiley:

^^yeah “WAW” sucked. World at War. lol.

anyone rocking borderlands? if so add me I need some help on a mission.

ban hammer dropped on me. watch out modded boxs

^^ thats why i don’t want to mod my 360 i got booted from live on orginal xbox for modding. fucking sucks

my gamer tag is: JTrnka


gt: Wolfe