Anyone see Trans Siberian Orchestra yesterday?

First time going and it’s one hell of a show.

Couple crappy iPhone vids.

We were close enough that you could really feel the heat from the pyro. Pretty sure that show would be instant death for anyone with epilepsy.

Nope, after hearing the commercials since the beginning of November and with the overall xmas music overload I had no interest in seeing them. Not to take away from the talent or awesomeness of the show. Looks like a good time.

Yeah, I’m not a big Christmas music listener, but when you add in fire, lasers and a light board that makes a transformer look simple it’s much cooler.

I have heard that they are phenomenal, but that the theatrics in the beginning are a little strange/boring.

They tell a Christmas story. It’s some guy with a Mr Movie Voice like voice talking for a minute or so between each song, then the song follows the story. I thought it was pretty cool and the story part gave your eyes/ears a chance to recover. :slight_smile:

I guess that’s true, I mean I’d go see Celine Dion if they had a light boards, lit her on fire and then shot her with lasers!

I went one year and it was definitely cool. I can’t see going back every year though like some people do. It manages to sell out or close to it every year.

Always want to go but always seem to miss it. The GF dragged me to the RPO yesterday instead which was rather lame.

Went to the 8pm show last night. It was the first time for us as well. I thought the show was killer and enjoyed story time.

Where we you? We were in 105, aisle 9, just about centered in the row. I had the opportunity go buy floor but figured a few rows up would be better. Seats were perfect.

I was at the show last night and thought it was absolutely phenominal. The violinist was amazing. I had an old guy sitting next to me with ear plugs in the whole time and his fingers over his ears. He didn’t seem to be enjoying the show too much.

I went back in 08’,it was a great show.All that pyro had me roasting my tits off.:tup:

went a few years ago to rochester, can’t say I’d do it again, but I can say I’ve been there-done that.

My boss went and said it was amazing.

OMG…i can’t believe all of the positive reviews. I thought it absolutely sucked hardcore. I couldn’t get into it at all. The annoying “movie voice” guy was too much for me and was boring as hell waiting for him as he faked his dramatic emotions. Don’t get me started with all the washed up 80’s rockers…and the one doing the slowest head bang ever while playing the violin.

I walked out a little over half way through. The best feeling i’ve had in a while was taking the escalator out of the arena. PURE HELL.

AND…my tickets were FREE! It’s really hard not to like free tickets, i would have been suicidal if i actually had to pay.

lol epic. I had a reasonably good time, went with some friends and just enjoyed the show. They keep adding to the show, so it’s getting more and more out of hand I hear each time

105 aisle 7. I thought the seats sucked at first but they were pretty good.

I went last year. Thought the show was a little long but that was due to the uncomfortable and cramped seating at the arena. Effects and music I liked though

You know how I know you’re gay…