Tea Party Concert Review

WOW!! What an awesome time! The Tea Party was at the Sphere last night and they simply rocked the house! What an awesome time.

how much were tix? i shoulda went

$32 after all the Ticketmaster BS fees…

They are playing again tonight…

yea i got a wedding to go to tho, ah well next time i guess

Would have been a great show minus that poor opening band…

man where are your priorities

you shoudla came to the meet, especially if there was another show tonight :bloated:

i saw them easily ( edit ) 8 years ago when they used to be awesome

Howie had to make these arrangments AFTER I bought tickets already… :shoot:

I went last night, Friday.

Amazing show. So much power and talent from a 3 person band.

Jeff Martin’s voice was DONE by the last song though. VERY understandable though. 2hours of street music. They played Wednesday in Rochester, Thursday and Friday here in Buffalo, and then they are playing in ontario somewhere tonite. Rough schedule there.