Anyone seen Jersey Fresh?

I was hoping to pick those wheels up from him. I thought he said he would be back 2 weeks ago and I still haven’t seen him on, I’ve pm’d as well.

Anyone friends with him?

Last Activity: 02-27-2009 02:06 AM

yea I noticed that, that’s why I wasn’t sure if anyone knew him personally

idk wtf is up. I wanted to grab a couple things also. His whole photobucket got delted and…ya. Which rims were you gunna pick up? he told me he’s got some as well.

call the police, put up a missing person bulletin…

Prolly went back to JOISIE because he couldn’t handle the 518 strain

He went to new orleans for mardi gras, and i talk to him the day after when he was in a hotel. Nothing since. BOOO!!

I was gonna pick up those white ssr’s from him…

I haven’t paid him yet, but I was just curious where he was so I could figure out if I’m definitely getting them or not lol

Yeah I havent heard a word from him either

Come to think of it, Prob got aressted in New orleans :rofl.

No one has heard from him since… soo its perfect reasoning. :lol

(waiting for dan to come on and say im wrong…)

yeah good luck to everyone trying to get parts, before he left i tried for a week to meet up with him to get my parts but as soon as he says oh yeah come up when i get back from eating or ill call you when u can come BOOM, he dropps off the face of the earth

Yeah he said he was gonna buy a JDM stickerzzz off me but never followed up…

Now how the hell am I supposed to pay rent next month?

S’all good though, I’m sure he just fell into a pothole in Newark or something.

so nothing yet still? Anyone have a number I can reach him? I’d really like those wheels lol

Newark is fucking scary.

I PM’d you his number

awww look at all the concern for me… My laptop got stolen by a ***-Nog in New Orleans, i had no way of getting on here…