anyone up for some TF2?

anyone want to jam on some TF2 before the game starts?

also, I’m willing to host nyspeed TF2 on my machine as a server… would a DSL connection be kosher?

I dont have the PC version yet.

lol hosting a server with dsl…good luck with that steve.

Anyone still up for such things?

anyone down today?

really need a Nyspeed team. Getting stuck with shitty hopeless teams suck. Played on one yesterday and instead of working together to capture a point, everyone did their own thing… fucking medic wasn’t healing people, engineer wasn’t making sentries/teleports and a spy kept trying to shoot everyone on our team


If I had a computer, maybe. But since I don’t you are SOL.

Plus if I had a computer I’d probably still play Source.

no if u had a pc you would burn your own 360 games

Stevil, you on xbox or PC?



Whats your steam ID?

steamid: justvile



shit would of been down, but didn’t see it in time

funny spy spray & backstab video

OK lets get a fucking game going tonight. Start around 9 shall we?

As long as they don’t release the SDK update I should be up for it.

oh fuck SDK. whenever i talk to you your ALWAYS on it, take a break and kill some people


As long as they don’t release the SDK update I should be up for it.


have they released the TF2/Portal SDK’s yet? I tried the HL2 hack but it didn’t really work

edit: oh, and I’m in… hit me up on steam




either steam is sucking ass as usual… or that steam id isnt correct…