I am Hanz und He is Franz!

And we are here, to PUMP YOU UP…in CS:Source

we should get an nyspeed FY server going!!


wtF Toda. Did you catch the gAy?

A few of us on NYSpeed have been pretty into gungames lately. Most nights we can be found on

I’m under the same name.


The_BIG_Dop needs to get out.

I can throw up a source server if we get enough people to play on it.

tf2 >

i play

Blah, tried to play last night, but my normal server was empty! It’s the first time I’ve ever, at any time of the day, seen it completely empty… and I’ve played at some random times.

Tried playing on a different gungame deathmatch server, but the maps were so small it was just spawn killing all the time, which I’m not down with :frowning:

Gonna be on again tonight, I wager.

I can set up a server. I have been out of the scene so long tho I don’t know what the good mods are and maps so someone post up what you want to see and I will throw up the IP tonight.

I miss fy_iceworld. Haha

I’m definitely a fan of gungame.

does not compute.

