CS:S Server!

If anyone is interest I’ve have a dedicated CS:S server back up and running. Havn’t really had a chance to see how well that computer will handle CS:S. But it seemed okay when I was hosted dystopia on it with 6 or so players.

If anyone has any issues with high latency let me know and I’ll shut down the extra administration utilities running in the background.

IP: or ubrf.mine.nu

PM me if you have and map requests and I’ll see to getting it loaded on the server. :tup:

source gross

1.6 4 L

I ran it on 1.6 and everyone bitched and no one joined because it wasn’t source. Now your bitching beacuse it is source. So deal with it. :stuck_out_tongue:

1.6 is dead. Accept it and move on please. :slight_smile:


Where is all the money being made


thank you

Very little money is to be made in any FPS right now. Its all about 1v1 UT type games like PK and stuff. I might be going to Colorado in January for Everlan, 30K tourney for source. Its starting to become popular, its just that nobody is backing it. It took forever for CS to get popular because of the faults in the coding and stuff, Source is no different.

Oh snap… I think I don’t care. :tup:

I logged on, no one was in there.

Maybe work on a meet time so we can get a few there at one? This saturday 9pm good?

Up fpr that - late on a weeknight?

It’s up 24/7 so if you want to try getting something setup on the weekdays go for it, I work nights so I’m never home until 2:30am. If you want to feel free to set something up, and I’ll hand out temp-rcon to whoever is in charge of setting up a gathering.

i cant get it to load… i suck at this… i am using steam… 1.6 cs i believe… is that a problem?

the only way i know how to join a server is to add it to my favorite then join it… unless i search and find it…

This is a CS:S Server. 1.6 wil not work. sorry WB

no one is ever on

I’ll try adding a few things to the server to help players but it’s only been up for 56 or so hours, and the mapcycle appears to be broken. I’ll add some stats tracking, and if the server can handle it up the player count. The most I’ve seen on though is just 3 people at a time on de_dust.

Only way you’ll see anyone from here is if you set a time to meet.

I’ll play now as soon as i see someone in there :tup:

fuzzy… pm me ur instant messanger name…

^ you wont be able to play with 1.6, you have to have source.

PM sent, but I’m at work so it’s kinda useless.