Anyone wanna go to Vegas in a few weeks?

Im looking to move there either this coming up spring or early summer. Id like to go out there at the end of march to line up a job and look for a place to live. Only problem is that I dont know anyone out there and I dont have a place to stay for the week or so that I’ll be visiting.

Pretty much just looking to split the cost of a hotel room or something and maybe a car rental? Burgundy? Idk. Sort of a long shot but what the hell.


pay for my ticket, and maybe you can bribe jason with some dome to sleep on his floor

^^ nah I gave up giving head for lent. The timing will be way off.

im hittin dallas in a few weeks or else i would seriously consider it. i think im gonna go there this fall :tup:

Im down to go…

i would love to live in vegas

I went there 3 years ago…
Planning to head upthere by June or July this year… I love to gamble… :slight_smile:

This saturday im off to TEXAS… yayyy to me…
Good luck out there

fawk im off to puerto rico next week :frowning:

freind of mine lives in vegas… go on myspace make friends in vegas and then see which ones will let you crash lol/

Do I ever.

In 3 months I turn 21 though,so it would be pointless to go now.

wow lucky you…
Have fun!