anyone want a letter from congress? it is the letter that congress sent to clearwater communitions to get Rush Limbaugh off the air. :smash2:silly congress!

This is the best PR outcome Rush could have done with this incident. All proceeds of this ridiculous letter go to his charity, which he founded, and goes for the education of children of fallen soliders. Yeah hes real anti-military. Harry Reid, go F yourself.

:picard: the description isnt biased or anything, it’s really “fair and balanced”

heh… I want it (or a copy to hang)

the description isnt biased or anything, it’s really “fair and balanced”

ummm, rush isnt associated with fox news

i know, but its about as fair and balanced as their average on air personality

Must be an NBC viewer.

they have a free copy for those that want one. you just have to download the pdf. file and there u go!